NEW UPDATE 7/30/06
I have still yet to decide if I should post the offcial soundtrack back up again... Since now I realize how alot
of people have no idea what no stealing songs means. Which is really sad. I know many of you would like to have the offcial
versions of all the songs but I have no power over that. Besides I still know a few sites where they are allowing the offcial
versions for download. Which is not a good thing at all... But in the mean time I was wondering how many of you would really like the music to go back up. So email me at
when u have the time.
I AM VERY UPSET RIGHT NOW! I have found other Kelly Clarkson websites
for instance: Kellyville has decided to go against my rules for allowing the FJ2K soundtrack for download. So I have
no clue what they are going to do about that.Hopefully they take it down like I requested. If not then I don't know what will
happen. But for now I am taking down the flash player... So don't get all crazy on me. Blame any other site that went against
what I have said over and over..
The official songs are all back up now. THANKS to a certain someone (you know who you are). Hopefully the songs will
be able to stay up now. Still I cannot allow thse songs for download! These are the official versions not the DVD ripped versions
that many of you have... So no you may not have these ones. Or else I will be the one to get in trouble..... And then I'll
have to take down the songs. SO PLEASE DO NOT STEAL THE SONGS!
NEW UPDATE 5/28/06
It seems that the first eleven songs are on lock because my bandwith where I host the songs seems to have been used up!!!!
It also says some of the song files are being downloaded. So you won't be able to listen to the first 11 songs until whoever
is trying to steal the songs stops what ever they are doing!!! If this happens again I will take the official songs down...
NEW UPDATE 5/27/06
Very big news!!! If you haven't already noticed I have added a flash player to the site
along with the official versions of the songs from the movie. I have worked very hard to get these so please don't try to
steal them off the site!!! Yes I am missing one song on the playlist but you can acess it in the media/downloads section that
I put up a while ago. I am not allowing these songs for download though. But you can download the unofficial versions in the
media/download section as well. Hope you all enjoy listening to the songs and ur welcome!!
Srry I haven't updated in like a month!!!
NEW UPDATE 4/11/06
Wow it's been hard trying to find ways that I can so called update the site.
So far I have only recieved one email saying they want the question of the month back. So... It's not coming back until
more people ask for it. Oh and if you find any good pictures,videos,etc from the movie that I do not have on the
site yet please let me know at
Justin has a new Jazz CD out and he says that he is already recording his next one! But this one will be more mainstream
than Jazz. With some RanB and pop. Hope it comes out good! Kelly of course is doing well in the music world. Her new video
"Walk Away" is pretty funny and has been doing well on TRL and MTV.
Oh and on the website IMBD there is a battle going.
"From Justin To Kelly" VS "High School Musical". So far High School Musical is winning.Oh well. Thats okay. I say their
pretty equal in storyline. But J2K wins with music.
NEW UPDATE 2/28/06
Yes it seems like ages between my updates. But there is not much to update. Kelly won 2 grammy's and Justin is out promoting
his new Jazz CD. By the way if any of you have the cd can you let me know how it is.
I have decided to stop the question of the month for a while now until someone let's me know that they want more questions.
I have gave a prize to the latest winner of the QOTM. And I think we are the only 2 people in the world who have this prize.
So if you want to know what it was I will only tell you when you guess the right answer. But no one has really cared much
for the question of the month so....
Winner 4 the QOTM! Finally! Oh and there is a new movie out on Disney that you guys might like. It is called "High School
Musical". Many of u have heard of it already and it is similar to this. So u might like it. Just thought i might let you know.
It's 2006 already. Time sure does fly. Nothing really new to update but i do have a surprise for you all coming soon
I hope. Hope you all had a good holiday break!
NEW UPDATE 12/18/05
Wow it's almost Christmas. Make sure 2 buy ur loved ones this movie. Lol.
But in the mean time check out this video I found where Kelly discusses her career. There is a little segment where she
discusses the film. It is intresting. Here is the link 2 the video
Also Justin Guarini's new CD is now available online. I donot have it yet but some of you I know are excited. He also
has a new website which can be located here
U can order the CD from there too! It sound different from his first CD but hey, so does Kelly's. This CD is very Jazzish
(if that's even a word). Good to know Justin has not fully dissapeared.
NEW UPDATE 11/2/11
I see lots of u like the new mp3's I got. Well I know this is not as good but I uploaded the commercial I said I was
going to upload. It is in the media section as well. Hope you all had a good Halloween. I had an okay one. Don't 4get about
the Question Of The Month okay!
NEW UPDATE 10/29/05
Very good news! I have 4 new j2k mp3s. As u can tell I have changed the music on the main page and have it 4 download.
I also have 3 other exclusive mp3s from the movie. Which are
*Vacation (full version and CD quality very rare)
*Mangos (The cool music playing in scene where we see Kelly getting her freak on in her purple outfit)
*How It All Can Be (Entire version, very rare)
Pool Party (The music that is playing now from finale of the movie and DVD menu)
Those are the exclusive mp3s. I also am uploading the FJ2K commercial that was played on the ABC Family channel. I hope
u all like them.
Ur welcome!
(2 find these things go 2 the media section)
NEW UPDATE 10/25/05
Very srry I haven't been keeping up with the site. I am pretty much tied up with school and other matters. But as long
as people come to my site I leave it up. From Justin to Kelly was once again on T.V and on the same channel. Still the
songs were slow and made the singing weird. Hopefully one day they will fix that.
Which reminds me no1 has gotten the question of the month yet. I thought it would be over with by now. It is really easy.
So since I've been gone I got the little commercial that was played when promoting J2K for ABC family. I'll try and upload
it later. Thanks 4 still coming to my site!!
NEW UPADTE 9/12/05
From Justin To Kelly was not so good on TV. The songs in the movie were going slower than usual. I didnot know why but
I didnot like it at all. So I just put on the dvd. Lol. I forgot to say I added the new question of the month. It's not that
hard. Trust me. The answer is very close. Lol. Yui also has a new friend named Dena. She was here along time ago and is back
again to be a stupid crap face. Okay enough said. Still "The Bounce" is in the lead for ur fav song in the movie. Keep voting
and maybe ur fav song will be posted on the main page.
NEW UPDATE 8/30/05
Okay for all of you who are too embarrased to buy the movie or you just want to watch it again IT WILL BE ON ABC FAMILY!!!!!!!!!
I knew it would come to t.v eventually. Lol. It will premire ***
NEW UPDATE 8/22/05
Okay the question of the month is finally answered! About time. Anyway in an article recently Kelly mentioned some thoughts
on "From Justin To Kelly". So here is what it said.
Kelly Clarkson
of American Idol: No Movies, Just a Grammy
By Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel
National Ledger
Aug 19, 2005
"American Idol" winner-cum-pop princess Kelly
Clarkson has a stack of scripts that have been submitted to her by moviemakers hoping she'll land in their pictures, and "It
puzzles me completely. I hated the movie I did before," she says, referring to the flop 2003 "From Justin to Kelly: With Love"
-- which rated two out of 10 stars on the Internet Movie Database and the user comment, "I don't want to live anymore."
knew I didn't want to do it, but I had to," Kelly says, contractually speaking, "and I don't particularly want to do more."
not to say that Kelly is ruling out acting forever: "I always get bored, and I like to do different things, but it isn't something
I'm going to do in the near future."
Asked about what she WOULD like to do, the blunt songstress with the soaring voice
says, "Oh, I'd like to win a Grammy. I'm not really one for awards, and I don't care about them, usually. But to win a Grammy
-- something I've been watching since I was a kid -- that would be great. Some people want to win six in a year. I only want
one. Then I'll appreciate it completely."
Clarkson wraps her current tour Sept. 16, then she will take a month off
before starting a Euro tour. As for plotting her next album, "I'm always writing," she says. "It's better for me out on the
road. You get these ideas in your head and -- something just happens."
Okay so that was it. I guess Kelly really did not like the
movie. Oh well. It is still good to us.
The question of the month is still waiting to be answered. Lol. Also "The Bounce" is still in the lead (if u r wondering
what I am talking about see my last update). But it seems like u guys r voting more. There is a new **Kelly Fan** operation
so keep reading
From Idolforms:
Ok, so we all know how close
kelly was to retiring SUBG, right? well i think after we retire BTHE at number one, we should try and vote SUBG back onto
the countdown. It's a long shot, but its not impossible. Afterall, My Chemical Romance debuted like 2 months after its premire,
and their fans were able to get it to number 1! All we have to do is spread the word and VOTE! Even if we get it into the
on deck circle, we could show everyone at home what we are trying to do. It will be tough, but its worth a shot. Kelly deserves
Now let's try to do this okay Kelly fans! Like they said. She deserves it.Click on the banner below
for more info!
Oh no school is alomst starting!!!!! Now back 2 J2K ummm I put up the new Question of the month. This question is for
the extended version now so don't get confused on me. Lol. Also I have decided to play the song that you guys want on the
main page. To do this you must vote for your fav song in the poll. Right now "The Bounce" is in the lead so I will keep that
here for now. But it looks like "Forever Part Of Me is catching up. Better start voting some more. But don't 4get about the
question of the month. Catch ya laters.
NEW UPDATE 7/16/05
The question of the month is finally answered. That is a good thing. Also Yui is getting less annoying. Thank goodness.
But he still hates us all. I don't really care. I can't really think of anything else to update except I added a little more
pic's to the new gallery. Hope ya guys like!
NEW UPADTE 7/12/05
I don't know y I am saying this but Jasmine Trias new CD is out now. Still no winner 4 the question of the month. Oh
yeah and on the tag boards some1 named "yui" is acting like an ugly piece of crap and is bashing this movie and site. Thanks
to any1 who is standind up to this stupid person who has no clue what this are talking about. They can die. Lol. So once again...
Well still no winner 4 the question of the month yet. Oh well. The good news is that I have the new J2K vid website up
and running. To get there click below
That should be it. I still need more vids from the movie though. The videos I need should be located on the front part
of the page. If you have any of them please sned them to me at
Thanks alot and Enjoy....
Well here I am again. Is it just me or is Kelly's new video the best video in the world. Lol. The new question of
the month is now up. I wonder if the same person is going to win once again? I am also working on a FJ2K video website. It's
so you can watch the songs. Hopefully I can get them all. So far I could now get Forever Part Of Me and both of the deleted
songs. So if anyone can upload those could you please email me at
Thank You!
NEW UPDATE 6/20/05
HAPPY FJ2K Anniversary. This is the day where it first went into theaters and we all got to see it. Don't u guys remember
the day. It's the second anniversary too! I remember the days when I was longing for it to come out onto DVD. Looking all
over the internet to find the songs for the movie. Now I have them. I even have the DVD too! But I still want an official
soundtrack. So there is a petition on the website here. So please sign it. It is located in the J2K Soundtrack section. Thank
U! FJ2K RULES!!!!!
I have added a whole bunch of cool fan pics in the new gallery so I think u should check it out now. Okay.. Oh yeah some1
has won the question of the month. And it's once again Kerry. Lol. I have also changed the look of my Kelly Clarkson music
video web sites. I like it. So talk to ya guys laterz.
For some reason a bunch of people have been emailing me if I have any Kelly music videos. Yes I do. So I have created
a site where you can watch them all. I will put the link in the media section and the links. Also hope u guys like the new
gallery I put up.
I've noticed that the pics that I have in the gallery just aren't enough. So I've created an online gallery for the pictures
from the movie. Although I still will leave the pics up that are on the site right now. Anyway the link for the gallery can
be found below the J2K poster and of cousre in the gallery section. Enjoy!
I have put up the question if the month. Also I have found a really funny review of the movie which can be located at...
The review mostly bashes the movie but I didn't really car5e and found it really really funny!!! So take a look when
you have time. Nothing really more to say so talk laterz.
NEW UPDATE 5/29/05
It seems like there is a competition going on in the poll I have on the site. Lot's of people seem to be voting for either
The Bounce, or 4ever Part Of Me. So far The Bounce is winning. That's my fav song. Lol. Nothing really else to update.
Summer is coming up soon and that is the perfect time to watch FJ2K.
NEW UPDATE 5/16/05
Hello again. Okay so about a week or two ago VH1 had a little tv special titled
" Awsomely Bad Career Moves "
It featured tons of celebrity mistakes. One of them was From Justin To Kelly. Yes they made fun of the movie. But who
cares. We still love it right? Anyway I figured that I should post it on the site. And it's pretty funny too!! I also have
other new video clips uploaded in the media section. So check them out later. Don't 4get that my email has changed to..
Talk later..
NEW UPDATE 5/10/05
Hey guys. I have a new email loacted at
It seems like some of you are having trouble reaching me so there is my new email. My old email still works and that
one is
So you can still try to email me there but I'm not so sure that it will work. Okay so talk later. Bye!
Some1 has won the question of the month and this time it was some1 different. Wow! Looks like Kerry's record is over.
Until next month that is. Well keep checking up for more updates to come. Oh yeah on the tag board u guys sure are being weird.
Hello again. I have put up the new question of the month so check it out. Also I have found a whole bunch of J2K videos
that were once on the main website but now donot work anymore. So I decided to post them in the media section. Hope u
guys like them... I updated the pictures from the movie part of the site. Also on this main page I have posted a
video of Justin and Kelly welcoming you and it is located above the poster okay.
NEW UPDATE 4/27/05
Some1 has finally won the question of the month over at Woo News 2. I wonder what took so long. Any way I think I should
add some more things 2 the site but I cant think of anything to post. So I need some help and advice. So if u can think of
something I need please let me know at
Thank U!
NEW UPDATE 4/10/05
Some1 has won the question of the month. And guess who it is. The same person again. Lol! But don't 4get guys 2 check
out the other question of the month located at
So hurry up be4 somebody wins again. Lol
Some1 has emailed me saying that I should upload the entire movie onto the website so every1 can watch it. Well I have
to say NO... That is illegal and will never happen here. I'm srry but I can't. The movie is avilable now on Video and DVD
so if u want see the movie either rent it or buy it. Also uploading the entire movie will take up alot of memory. Which is
bad.So once again I have to say this. No. Also every1 don't 4get 2 answer the new question of the month.
I have added an American Idol updater underneath the tag board. it let's u know who has been voted off lately. I thought
it would be nice to have on the site. Also don't 4get about the new question of the month.
Spring break was over last week 4 me. Is it just me or does school suck... Also i have put up the new question of the
month. So get 2 it u guys. Also Kristy is not that evil. Well not all the time anyway. Dena still is though. Also Kelly's
new Breakaway tour is now going!!!! Yeah. I haven't really heard much about Justin's new CD. Also Kathrine Bailess (Alexa) is
now on t.v if u haven't noticed already.
She is playing Erica Marsh on the WB's hit show, One Tree Hill . I haven't really seen any other J2K actors lately.
I hope this film hasn't ruined their carrers.
NEW UPDATE 3/26/05
Oh no spring break is almost over 4 me. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Well the good news is that somebody won the question of the month. Of course it was the same person from the other times
but oh well. Talk later.
NEW UPDATE 3/23/05
Hope u guys r having a good Spring Break!!!! I know i am. I just saw The Ring Two and it was okay. Ah spring break, the
perfect time to watch FJ2K right. I think I should go watch it right now. Anyways I have still not gotten any correct answers
4 the question of the month. Come on u guys........ Also still no1 on the tag board. Oh yeah if u r wondering why I am not
updating this site as much as I used to it's because of Woo News which can be found at
So...... Talk later.
Buh bye!
NEW UPDATE 3/17/04
I have made a new website that gives you info movies. It is a brand new version of WOO NEWS and it can be located at
Check it out later ok. If u want 2 view the old version of WOO NEWS go 2
Talk later. Bye....
Hello again. Why is no1 on the tag board??? Anyway. Justin was on t.v the other day talking about his new CD. The rumor
is true. His CD will be jazz. Hopefully things will go well with it. I put up the new question of the month. Sorry but I didn't
really have time to do it last month. Kelly is also going on tour and she has an official fan site. It can be seen at
U guys should see the guestbook. People r so crazy. Especially Dena and Kristy. They have this sick delusion about getting
with Kelly. Sickos. Also Justins new CD is done but not out yet. It is somewhat as a jazz album. Strange but hopefully it
will be good. TTFN
NEW UPDATE 2/21/05
I have just added a Tag Board On this part of the site so all of u may talk and discuss FJ2K... Oh yes Kristy (the one
who hates Justin and Kelly) well she still hates them. 4 like no reason... Oh well. I will be talking also on the tag board.
Hopefully u guys will be 2! Also it is located under the FJ2K POLL...
NEW UPDATE 2/19/05
Hey every1! There is some1 writing bad things about Kelly and Justin in the guestbook. Send her as many bad emails as
u can. Here is her email...
She is very mean and sent me mean things. Come on and help me get her back!!!!!!!!
NEW UPDATE 1/29/05
We finally have a winner for the question of the month. Okay so next month is right around the corrner so the new Question
will be up soon. Also I might be updating the media part of the site so check it out later. Talk later...
NEW UPDATE 1/23/04
I have created a small web site called Anytime so head on over there. It is very small so don't expect much.. I will
be creating more of those small sites based on the movie okay. The next will be a party kind of site. Well hopefully. The
link 4 the Anytime website is right above the poll... Talk later...
NEW UPDATE 1/16/04
I added a banner 4 this site in the links section. Also I have added links in the gallery section 4 lots and lots of
FJ2K Pics okay. So check them out later. Still I have not have gotten any correct answers 4 the Question Of The Month.. So
come on u guyz...
NEW UPDATE 1/15/04
Come on somebody! U guyz should know the answer 2 the question of the month. My email is working again. So what r u waiting
4????? Anyway does any1 know where I can get some American Idol 1 videos? Please email me!!!
NEW UPDATE 1/11/04
Srry guyz. My email does not seem 2 be working right now so... I don't know. But from my understanding many of u want
an official FJ2K soundtrack. So I found that old petition about that so try and sign it if u can okay. I have made a page
4 it so u know where 2 go. It is called J2K Soundtrack. Anyway so far in my poll every1 likes The Bounce the most. I know
I love that song too!
Hope u guyz had a good New Year. I know I did. Lol.. Anyway I have put up the new Question Of The Month. So don't 4get
to check it out be4 u leave okay... I can't really think of anything else to say. Oh yeah is there any other FJ2K web
sites. Besides Please let me know either in the guestbook or email me at
NEW UPDATE 12/30/04
Hope u guyz have a good New Years Eve. I know I will. Also why haven't u guyz been in the chat room. Everytime i am in
there I am by myself. What is up with that? U guyz should tell all ur friends and meet up there sometime. It would be
fun. I just might be in the chat room on Saturday and Sunday. As I am typing I am on the chat right now. Remember
if the chat will not work 4 u there is a blog and the guestbook. Thank u to everyone who has signed the guestbook. I
thank u so much. Any1 else who has been here before please sign it too!!! I would be so happy. Also THANK U ALL WHO HAVE MADE
Which is u guyz.
The first time I opened the site there was about 10 people
on it. I thought I should close it down. But as the dayz went by more and more of u guyz started to come. Thank goodness!
But this site could be even more big. Providing me more things to add 2 the site!! So please help promote it. I just wanted
to thank u guyz for coming to this site this year. Hope to be as or even better in next year. Talk later. Bye...
NEW UPDATE 12/26/04
Hope u guyz had a good Christmas. I am listening to the new Kelly CD as I type. I just love it. Also don't 4get about
our new goal from the last update. Got 2 get Kelly to #1! Also if u liked the FJ2K Christmas pic than it will be located in
the Funny Part of the Gallery okay!
NEW UPDATE 12/24/04
Have a good Christmas u guyz and thankz 4 coming 2 my web site this whole time! Hope u all get the new Kelly CD!!!! Also
the Kelly fans have a new goal. Here is the goal from
***The goal: Make "Since U Been Gone" the first #1 video of the year!***
can we do that, Kelly fans? Well, according to the above statistics and Kelly's successful past, it appears that the fans
have voting down to a fine art. Now, it is just a matter of practicing the art in order to reach the goal.
* Start
getting your online votes in now and then really kick it up a notch at the end of next week when the votes count towards the first TRL countdown
of 2005.
* Also remember to get your phone votes in everday starting at 4:30pm EST. Every phone vote counts (and counts
a lot) towards the next day's/episode's standings, so the more you dial, the better chance Kelly has to reach the top!
all join together for this common goal - let's make "Since U Been Gone" the video to beat in 2005!
NEW UPDATE 12/22/04
I have fixed the chat problem (or so I think). So go try it out now!!!! Also hope ya like the FJ2K Christmas pic. Lol!
NEW UPDATE 12/21/04
Hey I'm so srry if the chat is not working. Anyway I have added a web blog that will allow u 2 talk with others that
is located above the From Justin To Kelly Poster. Okay. I'm still trying to see what is wrong with the chat. Also don't 4get
that Kellys new CD is out so go and buy it!!!!!!
NEW UPDATE 12/18/04
I added a chat 2 the site. So u know. Can talk 2 other J2K fans. But it is actually supposed to be a chat 4 Justin Guarini
but no1 uses it. So chat away and have fun. Look 4 me in there too. My screen name is Nightmarcher0.
NEW UPDATE 12/13/04
I thought it was about time for a new look. Don't ya think. I thought this web site should be colorful just like the
movie. Anyway that's pretty much it 4 now. oh yea please answer the poll and sign the guestbook be4 u leave. Okay bye!
NEW UPDATE 12/11/04
Somebody won 4 Question of the month! Oh yea also is any1 going to answer the girl in the Guestbook? Just wondering?
She needs some advice. Also I am also going to call the guestbook a form too. Since you can practicly talk to any1 in
NEW UPDATE 12/4/04
Hey someone is starting a conversation in the Guestbook section. Please go there now 2 answer her because I dont know
what to say. So please help me out. Also don't 4get about the Question Of The Month!
NEW UPDATE 12/2/04
Srry bout the lack of updates. Anyway, I have alot to say. Kelly's new CD Breakaway is out and is very good. Also I am
putting up the new Question Of The Month and Since You've Been Gone video should be up. I love it. Also I found this really
funny list called 146 Reasons Why To Hate From Justin To Kelly. It is really mean but funny. Oh well. Here is the link, Also did u guyz see Film Fakers with Justin Guarini. It was called Song Island. I will put the trailer 4 it up. That's
all 4 now. Bye! Oh yea I will also put the link 4 146 reasons in the link section.
NEW UPDATE 11/19/04
I got the guestbook working again so please check and sign it! Also did u see Kellys new music video. If u didn't I'll
add it to the media sonner or later. Hopefully...
NEW UPDATE 11/7/04
Somebody won the QOTM already. And it's someone different this time. It's a miracle. Lol. Anyway not much 2 update about.
Oh yea if you want something on the site that I don't have yet please let me know. Thank u..
NEW UPDATE 11/6/04
I just added 2 more videos in the media section. I don't know about u but I've never seen them before so I decided to
add them. Don't forget about the Question Of The Month is up. AND PLEASE SEND IN REVIEWS OF THE MOVIE!!!!!!
NEW UPDATE 11/6/04
Srry I 4got 2 put up the QOTM so I'm gonna put it up now. Also about the reviews. Please everyone send me in more reviews!!!!!!!
I haven't gotten one in like forever......... So talk later.
NEW UPDATE 11/2/04
Did u guys like the Halloween FJ2K picture. Well if ya did I'm going 2 put it into the funny part of the gallery. Hope
u had a good Halloween. Oh yea, Kelly's new CD is coming out soon. I have a pic of the cd cover for her new CD titled Breakaway.
I can't wait 4 it. Oh yea also Justin Guarini's new episode of Film Fakers should be out soon. It looks really funny! If you
want more info on that go to Then search for the show. It should be there. Anyway G2G.
NEW UPDATE 10/31/04
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! 2 Bad they don't sell Justin and Kelly costumes. That would be funny. Lol. Hope
u guys have a good Halloween!!!
NEW UPDATE 10/19/04
I added some audio in the backround. It might take a while to load but it'll play....
NEW UPDATE 10/18/04
Srry 4 the lack of updates but I was busy trying to figure out why the gallery was down. So its working again. Oh yea
the Katherine Bailess official site is also now up. If you want to go there it is in the links. They have some FJ2K audio
and video too. Also an Anika Noni Rose is in the works so I'll add that in the links too!
I just closed down my other web site which was called Woo News and can be viewed here at
I closed it down due to the fact that I am working on this one right now but I still will be checking on it from time
to time. Thanks for taking a look at my site. Be sure to get in touch with your thoughts and suggestions. I'll be updating
frequently, so please check back often.