From Justin 2 Kelly

Cast/Character Info
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This section is on all the MAIN characters from the movie.

Clic here to see the picture (24.jpg)Kelly Clarkson:
                         Kelly plays a girl named Kelly Taylor. She is not a party type girl. Cares more about things that will help her in life. Like her job, etc. But she will soon get the perfect thing to help her in life during Spring Break.
Clic here to see the picture (16.jpg)Justin Guarini:
                      Justin plays a guy named Justin Timbal. His reputation is know to be a party animal. He has a job throwing and promoting parties. But all his partys will change after he meets a certain someone.
Anika Noni Rose:
                            Anika plays a girl named Kya. Kya likes Spring Break but not to the extent as others. She is a sweet girl and meets a sweet guy. They are a good couple until a few suprises come to them forcing them to be apart. But they'll find a way. Right?
Kathrine Bailess:
                          Kathrine plays a girl named Alexa. She is a big party girl. And she loves the guys too! ALOT! She is one of Kellys friends but not as faithful as Kya. Alexa can be mean too. Throughout the movie she trys to keep two people apart. But she will fali soon enough. Well hopefully..
Clic here to see the picture (26.jpg)Greg Sniff:
                 Greg plays a guy named Brandon. Also like Justin he is a party promoter. He can also cause trouble. In the movie he throws many parties. But he always gets busted for not following the law. Forgetting to have a permit or something like that, maybe he'll finaly remember to do it next time. Now remember I said MAYBE..
Clic here to see the picture (49.jpg) In This pic he is in the middle Brandon D:
                  Brandon plays a guy named Eddie. He is a so called DORK! He is always on the computer and wearing goofy clothes. He is also not so smart when it comes to girls. But he finaly meets one over the internet. So they decide to meet up on Spring Break. But will they ever find each other?